In an interview with Costas Delaportas, President and CEO of Drydel Shipping。
〆The company aims to expand its operational scale by increasing its long-term charter fleet to 30 vessels.
Greek shipowner and operator, Drydel Shipping, headquartered in Athens, announced a rebranding from its former name, Meadway Shipping, in February 2024. President and CEO Costas Delaportas said, “We have a policy to increase our long-term chartered fleet from 19 to 30 vessels. We are also interested in further engaging in bareboat charter (BBC) contracts and leaseback deals.” The future plans of Drydel were discussed with Mr. Costas Delaportas during his visit to Japan. (Interviewer: Hirofumi Yamamoto)
You can read a full interview article via the below link.
Interview with Drydel shipping社長兼CEO Costas Delaportas、
ギリシャ船主兼オペレーター(運航船社)ドライデル・シッピング(本社・アテネ)は2024年2月、旧社名のMeadway・シッピングから社名変更した。コスタス・デラポルタス社長兼CEO(最高経営責任者)は次のように話す。「我々は長期用船を19隻から30隻に増加する方針を持っている。我々はさらにBBC(裸用船契約)、リースバック案件にも取り組みたい」。来日したMr.Costas Delaportasにドライデルの今後の方針について聞いた。(聞き手 山本裕史)